Staying Active When the Weather Gets Colder

When fall comes around and the weather starts getting colder, it can be hard to get motivated to stay active or even to do the activities you got in the habit of doing when it was warmer.

But even so, that doesn’t mean you have to stop staying active! There are tons of things you can do. But before diving into the list of activities, I want to highlight the preparations quickly.

The key is to equip yourself with the proper cold-weather outdoor gear. It can be difficult to invest in expensive gear. But it will make all the difference when you are outside, especially in areas with below-freezing temperatures. And if you take good care of them, these quality outdoor purchases will be yours for decades to come, as you will not use them too often, and they have serious longevity.

I live in Michigan. We often see below-freezing, heck even, into the teens or zero degrees Fahrenheit! In seriously cold weather, you need seriously warm outdoor gear. Here is a list of some of my essentials:

  • Quality mittens (not gloves) specially designed for outdoor weather.
  • Face shield that covers the entire face (not just the neck and jaw).
  • Although gator wraps for the neck and lower face are good for “milder days.”
  • Some days I want to walk into town for dinner, and maybe I put some time into my hair. On those days, a warm headband is a great alternative to hats.
  • Long johns or long underwear to layer under your clothing.
  • A warm hat.
  • The best outdoor jacket on the market is Pajar, in my opinion. But there are many close seconds (North Face, Patagonia, etc.). When you buy a long coat, get one with zippers up the sides so you can still take long strides while engaging in activities.
  • Lastly, on any exposed facial skin, it is an absolute must to put a quality barrier between my skin and the elements. For this, I use the Wellness Collection Salve. It’s made with natural ingredients and is perfect for preventing dryness or chapped skin from the cold and wind.

Now is a great time to buy all this, following the holidays, as there are sales everywhere. And once you have all your outdoor gear on order, here are a few suggestions of activities to get you started:

Going for Walks and Runs

Layer up and get out for a walk! When winter comes, it can get a little difficult, especially if the sidewalks get icy, so be careful. Walking is a perfect, easy way to stay active any time of year. Another bonus is how much fun it is with a partner! I love walking and talking with friends, and it sure beats a phone call or time on the couch. What a perfect win-win for catching up with your besties.

And if you want to kick it up a notch, the colder weather can actually help make runs a lot more comfortable. When it’s too hot, it’s hard to run in that heat (and even sometimes dangerous). The cool (or downright cold) air makes for the perfect running environment! Just watch out in winter. Running is risky if the sidewalks are icy. Make sure the sidewalks are clear, and you’re wearing the right shoes!

Take Yourself On a Hike

Hikes are beautiful any time of year–and are a whole new experience depending on the time of year you go. The same trail can look completely different when you hike it in the winter than when you did in the summer.

As autumn settles in and winter rolls around, go for a hike in the woods and check out the changes, like the colorful autumn leaves or white winter wonderland. Just like walking, hiking is a great way to stay active, and you might notice more wildlife as their camouflage coats stick out more in the white snow. 

Invest in Snow Shoes or Cross Country Skis

I always assumed that snow-showing was boring. And honestly, it is not much different than walking with a good pair of boots. Wrong! It took me trying it for the first time in Colorado years ago to truly appreciate what a workout it can be and how much terrain I could get into that I couldn’t otherwise.

I purchased a pair of snow shoes at Costco about a decade ago, and it’s since been one of my most utilized winter outdoor activity gear. It is truly a dynamite workout and allows me to go into the deep snow areas of the Michigan State Metro Parks, which I highly recommend.

You’ll also see a lot of people cross-country skiing in those parks & that is another great workout to try. Just be careful if you are snowshoeing around the cross-country ski marks, you want to avoid stepping on their tracks to help them stay the course, or you could quickly make some enemies on the trails! Those cross-country skiers are hardcore!

Get a Gym Membership

If you want to stay active and get out of the house but don’t want to subject yourself to the cold weather, consider getting a gym membership. You can also take a class, such as Yoga, Pilates, Total Body Conditioning, Zumba, or Boxing.

There are all sorts of gyms at different price points, so there is something out there for nearly everyone. Figure out your price point, what you’re looking for in a gym, and what is available near you. Most will even give you a free guest pass to try it out. So, be sure to make the rounds before committing.

Learn Some Home Workouts

If you don’t want to get a gym membership but still want to work out, that’s perfectly okay, too. There are tons of workouts that you can do from the comfort of your home, with or without equipment.

If you don’t know where to start, there are many workout videos on YouTube for different exercise levels and parts of your body. They range from HIIT workouts and strength training to dance workouts and everything in between. If you take the time to explore what’s out there, you’re bound to find something that works for you and that you enjoy!

You can also stay active by doing many non-workout-related things at home. They include raking leaves, vacuuming, putting up or taking down outdoor decorations, and deep cleaning your house, among other things. Staying active doesn’t have to mean lifting weights or running. It can simply mean being up on your feet and moving around. It doesn’t matter if you go for a walk or shovel snow. Simply, do whatever makes you feel good, increases your heart rate, and gets your body moving!

Staying Active in Cold Weather

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The Author
Cassie Sobelton
Cassie Sobelton

Motivational Speaker,
Wellbeing Expert

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